
Case Study – Windsor Parke Golf Club

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    About the golf course

    Windsor Parke Golf Course is an 18-hole public golf course in Jacksonville, FL.  Just minutes away from TPC Sawgrass, Windsor Parke competes with numerous public golf courses within a 10 mile radius.

    Measured timeframe

    • October 1, 2019 – April 30, 2020
    • October 1, 2020 – April 30, 2021

    Metrics reported

    • Total Green Fee & Cart Fee Revenue as a whole
    • Total Online Rounds including third-party marketplaces and website booking engine
    • Daily Steal Rounds & Revenue (Club owned daily deals)
    • Website Traffic and Conversions


    Windsor Parke previously used the following products before moving to the GolfBack platform:

    • GolfNow Distribution until 2/14/2020
    • EZLinks Booking engine until 4/7/2020
    • EZLinks website until 4/7/2020

    Website Traffic Analysis

    GolfBack initially designed and began hosting the Windsor website in early April 2020. Immediately we began to see an increase in website traffic due to a number of factors which you can read about here. 

    However, in the spirit of competition and to keep all things even in this report, we are only reporting the website stats from 10/1/2020 – 4/30/2021 and comparing them to the previous year. 

    Total Website Traffic


    • Users: A website visitor that have initiated at least one session within the reporting period.
    • Sessions: The period time a user is actively engaged with your website. A single recorded user can have more than one session.
    • Organic Search: Users that landed on your website as a result of an internet search query.
    • Goal Conversions: Our goal shown below is to get website users to visit the online booking engine. The conversion rate is the number of unique sessions that resulted in a click to view the tee time inventory. The goal completion is the number of times this goal was, well, completed.

    Click to enlarge the image below.

    Website Traffic Results

    1. Total Website Users: Up 75% from 14,247 users to 25,056 users
    2. Total Sessions: Up 85% from 21,085 sessions to 39,016 sessions
    3. Organic Search Users: Up 71% from 9,973 users to 17,078 users
    4. Goal conversion rate: Increased by 44.46%  
    5. Goal completions (Clicks to view the booking engine): Increased by 167% from 8,248 clicks to 22,048 clicks to the golf course booking engine

    Let’s chat for a second on how we were able to achieve this as I am sure you may take this increased traffic and conversions as being misleading.

    Here are a couple of facts:

    We now control the website and the code that makes it work. Which means we are no longer reliant on a website that is controlled by a third-party that makes the majority of its revenue by driving golfers away from your website to book in their marketplace. They have little incentive to grow your website traffic where driving traffic is one our main goals.

    As you’ll see in the next section, our booking engine features numerous traffic driving features that add value to your golfer’s experience and keeps them coming back. 


    Booking Engine Rounds and Revenue Analysis

    Click to enlarge the image below.

    Online Rounds Analysis

    • Total Rounds: Up 16.4% from 22,753 to 26,496 (+3,743)
    • Green & Cart Revenue: Up 22% from $672,334 to $821,244 (+$148,910)
    • Total Online Rounds: Up 441% from 1,843 to 9,975 (+8,132 rounds)
    • Total Online Revenue: Up 382% from $81,450 to $392,676 (+$311,266)
    • Daily Steal Rounds: 1,946
    • Daily Steal Revenue: $61,854

    Looking into the total green and cart fee revenue, we see an increase of $148,910 YoY.

    A portion of this revenue increase is due to removing all bartered “hot deals” where the club receives $0 in revenue and implementing a Daily Steal that the club keeps 100% of the revenue – in this case $61,854 was returned to the club over 7 months.

    By removing 3rd-parties, directing traffic through channels owned by the club, Windsor Parke was not only able to grow rounds and revenue, but they were also able to automate the collecting and storage of golfer data. During this same timeframe, the club grew their total contact list by 14.36%, and sent 1,372 automated emails.

    Bryce Voisin | CRO

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    Online Booking Engine

    Control the customer experience and take back your revenue by driving more direct bookings through your website.

    Marketing Solutions

    Engage your customers in less time than ever with automated campaigns designed to boost repeat rounds and maximize engagement.

    Custom Websites

    Showcase your brand with an eye-catching site optimized to convert lookers into bookers, draws more organic traffic, and highlights your services.