Golf Barter Calculator

Disclaimer: The golf barter calculator does NOT store any of the information entered and we cannot access the data in any way. This free tool was built to simply help you complete the calculation and assist you in understanding the true cost of your barter agreement.

The golf barter calculator takes on assumptions and calculations based on our data and research. The savings shown as a result of utilizing this tool are not guaranteed and GolfBack LLC, nor any of its affiliates, shall be held liable for any of the results. Real-world results may vary.

Daily Steal Rounds LY


Daily Steal Revenue LY

$ 0

Paid to the Golf Course

0 %

To truly understand the cost of barter at your golf course, you will need to evaluate the relationship for a certain period of time, typically data over a 12-month period is best. Our golf barter calculator uses input factors to accurately project revenue at risk, opportunity cost, and the positive impact from additional rounds from a third-party platform are as follows:

  • How many barter rounds were sold?
  • Of those barter rounds, what percentage either booked a premium tee time and/or would have booked if not exposed to discounted barter pricing?
  • Of the third-party tee time rounds sold, how many came through a club’s website?
  • Upon properly backing out rounds sold through a club’s website, how many paying rounds were delivered from the third-party platform channels?
  • Of the rounds booked via other channels besides the club’s website, how many of those rounds would have found their way back to the club if not listed on third party channels? (Or said another way, how many of these consumers knew where they wanted to play and then found the cheapest price to book a tee time. Or how many of these customers would a club retain?)
  • Lastly, you will need to understand the average dollar per round you collect from these third-party channels paying customers

Third-parties will not provide revenue numbers or average dollar per round information for the bartered tee times. However, the paying tee times is the information that is key to this analysis.

Complete the following steps for your club to calculate the true cost of a barter relationship.

Want more resources on the impacts that barter at your golf course? Check out this article series or the NGCOA’s Industry and Data Report

Step 1:Determining the opportunity cost potentially being lost by a barter relationship

On average, we see a typical 80% (.80) sell through rate for all trade rounds.


Estimated Total Trades Sold: This calculation estimated the number of trade rounds being sold by a 3rd party and is based off 120 monthly rounds per trade time x your estimated trade sell though


Total Opportunity Cost: This is the estimated revenue that you are potentially missing out on by bartering tee times. This is calculated by taking your morning and afternoon average rates multiplied by your estimated ability to sell each tee time for all trade times you are currently giving to a third-party. Real-world results may vary.

Step 2:Determining the revenue at risk by leaving a third-party barter agreement


Total Revenue at Risk: This calculation is the total rounds from third-party distribution channels not owned by the golf course, multiplied by the average rate sold, minus 90% of the revenue that would return to the course due to your tee times no longer being available on that channel. From our data and surveys, we see that clubs lose no more than 10% of third-party distribution rounds when they leave a bartered relationship. On average, more than 90% of the third-party distribution rounds have returned to our clients. Your results may vary

See the Survey Data Here

Step 3:Calculating the total barter cost to your facility


Total Barter Cost: This is your opportunity cost minus the revenue at risk. Essentially stating what your facility is paying for the bartered relationship.

Step 4:Potential Annual Savings


Estimated Annual Savings: Cash pricing options for Point of Sale, Websites, Booking Engines, and Marketing Software in the market will typically range from $10,000 to $20,000 per year based on different systems. If you arrived at a positive savings number, we would love the opportunity to discuss how we can help in greater detail and put this money back on your balance sheet.